Mark Johnson, producer. The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. Walt Disney Pictures and Walden Media, 2006. Rated PG. 135 minutes. ISBN 0-7888-6071-2
The Luftwaffe air strikes over London during World War II drive parents to send their children to safer locations in the countryside. The Pevensie children, Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy, are evacuated to the home of Professor Digory Kirke. There they pass the time playing games and amusing themselves as they are largely left to their own devices. The housekeeper, Mrs. Macready, cautions the children not to bother the professor. They play hide and seek on a rainy day. Lucy hides in the wardrobe and enters the Winter-bound land of Narnia. She spends hours with the faun, Mr. Tumnus, but returns to her siblings in England to find that only a few moments have passed. Nobody believes her tale of Narnia, and Edmund is unkind in his disbelieving tone. Later, Lucy and Edmund, then all of the children find their way into the wardrobe and enter Narnia. Edmund, who met the White Witch on his first visit to Narnia, betrays Mr. Tumnus and is imprisoned by the witch. The three remaining children rescue Edmund and fight the White Witch with the help of Mr. and Mrs. Beaver and others. Aslan, the lion king of Narnia, sacrifices himself to save Edmund from his treachery and the witch's claim on him.
Critical Evaluation
This movie version of the classic C. S. Lewis story is an action-packed adventure. The story is mostly intact. The movie is quite long, but the changing scenes in the professor's house and Narnia keep the story interesting. The battle sequences and other frightening sequences at the end of the movie are rather intense, but most tweens will find them riveting. The DVD includes a special commentary for kids.
Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy Pevensie enter the magical land of Narnia to find that it is locked in perpetual winter. They fight the White Witch to save one of themselves and rescue Narnia.
C. S. Lewis, British auth, is well-known and loved for The Chronicles of Narnia and his other works of fiction.
Curriculum Ties
Language arts – British authors
Social Sciences – 20th century history
Booktalk Ideas
Show the book in print with illustrations. Give a synopsis of the first two chapters. Ask listeners what might happen next.
Reading Level/Interest Age
Grade 3 (age 8) and up.
Challenge Issues and Defense
Violence and cruelty are depicted in the movie. PG rating is appropriate and should be considered by viewers and parents before watching.
Why is it here?
I loved the story as a child. I wanted to watch the movie with my own children. Now they are reading the books in the series.
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